Online Counseling in Colorado
Teletherapy in Colorado
You have wanted to start counseling for a while, but have been putting it off because it feels easier said than done. Finding the right provider that is convenient for your schedule and fits your unique needs can be hard to track down to find when you begin to look. Perhaps you struggle to leave the house in between meetings, kids, and life demands or perhaps you live in Denver or Colorado Springs and you just don’t have time to sit in traffic for an hour each way trying to get to a counseling appointment on the other side of town. Or you may live in rural Summit county and may not have a lot of choice, or many options at all, when it comes to mental health services. Maybe you are just more comfortable attending counseling from the comfort and privacy of your own home. Online therapy can be a great option for your mental health needs.
Teletherapy may be the solution you have been looking for
You want high quality, specialized counseling services, but you also need therapy that fits with your lifestyle. I get it. Online counseling services at WildSense Therapy may be the answer you’ve been looking for. My approach is genuine, creative, and relatable and I am committed to working with you through whatever you are struggling with. I specialize in various areas such as trauma, anxiety/stress, and helping women build their self worth and confidence. Through the use of a secure video chat, I am able to offer you effective mental health services without the hassle of coming into a counseling office.
Benefits of online counseling
Access to specialty mental health care wherever in the state you are located, whether you are up in Vail or in downtown Denver.
Less barriers getting in the way of you and the care you need such as travel time, or leaving work during your busy schedule.
The ability to heal in your own space which can create more safety in sharing.
Teletherapy for Trauma
Whether you are healing from a sexual assault, an accident, or a difficult relationship or childhood, trauma is so hard to navigate on your own. I have specialized training in trauma informed modalities such as EMDR and IFS that help you to overcome places you feel stuck due to your past. Learn more about my trauma informed approach here.
Online Treatment for anxiety
Whether you are a student at CU, a busy mom, or a working professional, there’s a lot on your plate. Anxiety is a common experience, especially during covid times, but it doesn’t have to take over your life. Through mindfulness, nature based teletherapy, and trauma informed interventions I can teach you effective tools to help get your anxiety under control and help you learn how to effectively recognize and minimize it in the future. Learn more about my approach here.
Online therapy for Self worth
Learn to find self acceptance, compassion, and build the relationship with yourself that you have always wanted. Learn to live more authentically, work through self limiting beliefs, and know your worth in each area of your life. Learn more about therapy for low self esteem here.
Is telehealth effective?
In short, yes! Telehealth has been proven to be just as effective as working with a therapist in person. In some cases it is even more effective. By being in your own space it can create an environment of safety for you to open up. It also can offer more time for self care in your day by cutting out the travel time and the stress of making it to an office. Remember we can build a strong therapeutic relationship through video just as well as we can in person.
Begin online counseling with WildSense Therapy today!
What are you waiting for? Call or email directly to set up a free consult or click the free consult button to schedule a 20 minute phone meeting to see if we are a good fit to work together